
Saturday, July 9, 2011

1st Official Post

Well, I've pretty much got the new place set up the way I want it, so I'll go ahead and write an entry!

I'll start by explaining the Title, "Mama Monroe".

As many of you already know, my daughter, Terri and eldest grand-daughter, Riley are both in Roller Derby. To be precise, they belong to Midnight Sun Roller Girlz.  Okay, so I had been hearing about this group and the girls joining for MONTHS and was totally caught up in the excitement expressed by both of them, that just kept growing in leaps and bounds!  I couldn't wait to get up there in April for my visit and see what this Roller Derby thing was all about.

Well, here's a little sample of what I found:
In this 1st shot, they are scrimmaging during practice.  Riley {aka Boom Dot Saint~her Derby name) is to the right and has a yellow star on her helmet.  In this scrimmage she is the Jammer and it's her job to get by the rest of the pack, twice.  Right in the middle, in blue, is Raggedy Andi.  She's watching for Boom Dot to come around so she can grab her hand and "whip" her forward faster, past the other skaters.

 The second one is a shot of one of the most amazing women I have ever had the pleasure to meet and befriend.  It's the great Camo-Cazi!!  Yay!!  Sadly, in this shot, she is being sent to the penalty box....which I'm sure now explains to you the expression on her face.  LOL
This is just a random shot of Boom Dot cruising the track.  She has learned and developed her skills so quickly and we are all so proud of her!  She is totally dedicated and extremely focused and oh, how I love to watch her!!
 And here is Riley.....I mean Boom Dot with Emily (aka Emma Lee The Strange and Maggie (aka Morbid Maggie).  They are all learning and all loving it! 
And here is my Terri aka (Marilyn Makeumoan Roe).  Sadly, she bit the dust and that is Camo coming to her rescue.  She found out later that she blew out her knee and actually had to have surgery on it whilst I was there, so no skating for her for awhile longer!

Okay, so now that you've had a glimpse and I have disclosed everyone's Derby names, I can go one to tell you about the name of my blog :).  I just loved it all so much and all the members of the team are so awesome and it was all just so exciting to witness, even if I couldn't participate.....well, one thing led to another and I was dubbed "Mama Monroe" (since Terri's name is a spoof on Marilyn Monroe and I'm her Mama...get it?? Thought so.  Figured I'd explain anyway.)  AND............the paperwork is in the process for me to become an official team member!  YES!!!!! Since I am unable to actually skate, I will be an NSO (Non-Skating Official) but that's not to say that I might not just get my butt on some skates one day!!  LMAO

So this new blog will have some fresh material involving some of my new interests.  Roller Derby, knitting and a new "lease on life" after finally having surgery that has resulted in me being well on the way to being ever so much more physically mobile than I have been in about 3 years!!  Things are looking up, I'm feeling good and it's all up-hill from here!  Weeeeeeeeeeeeee...............


Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I'm so glad the surgery had such positive results!

YankeeChick said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Yay, Stephanie! Thanks for my 1st comment at my new place! ♥

It's been 3 weeks since the surgery and the past few days, I am FINALLY feeling optimistic and things are looking up! Thanks, Girl!

Terri said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love the new blogname and the wall paper! It's so fresh and perky! Glad you have a renewed interest in life and in blogging. Yes to the Max for MAMA MONROE!

Poolie said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Glad to see you back in the saddle! In more ways than one.

Paula G from Indiana said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Yay!!!! Glad to have you back! I've missed your writing. Forgive me if I occasionally slip and call you YC. Hugs! (gentle ones)

Marilyn MakeUMoan Roe said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love love love your new blog! Derby has given all us girls a new lease on life. XXOO

Harriet said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Always happy to see you writing again. It works perfectly well via Google Reader; I thought you'd like to know.

YankeeChick said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love that all of you have stopped by and commented already! I do need to find comments that have the reply feature, cuz I do like to do that. Ah, well.....still a work in progress. Thanks! ♥

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I would like to see a portion of your blog dedicated to the Dukes Rapid Deployment Team...their training..what they eat, etc etc. I may start a Whiskey Rapid Deployment Team...maybe not because some folk may think we are like St Bernards. Good Luck, Mama Monroe on your new venture!!

YankeeChick said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hey, Sam! Welcome!! I love that you came and checked it out. LOL Good idea about the Dukes Rapid Deployment Team. I like it and will take it under advisement ;)

Paula said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

What a hoot...roller derby AND a new blog. I gave up on blogging...just can't seem to devote the time to it anymore...I start, then stop and I guess for now, it's on hold...maybe some day again. While I did blog, I made amazing advances in my life with the support of so I am reaping the rewards and the responsibility of that growth and there seems to be no time to blog. Glad to see you back, hear you are feeling better and looking forward to the new you!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Love the new blog and name!:) I am glad that you are back..I was starting to worry about you!! Lol Sounds crazy, I know.;) Life is just so much better when you have something to smile over and something to look forward to. Again, I'm glad you are back.


jwoap said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I am so thrilled to have you back writing again! I have really missed you! xoxoxoxoxox

Poolie said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Got you hooked into my Google Reader. All set!

YankeeChick said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

@PoolieCool Beans! Just got my "Reply to Comments" set up, too! Not so sure I like it, but I'll try it for awhile. I just wanna keep it simple, but effective.

YankeeChick said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates


Miss you, too, Girl! Especially now that you're not on FaceBook :(

YankeeChick said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates


Deena, You are so sweet! Made my day and made all this fussing around SO worth while! ♥

poundheadhere said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Thank you SOOOO much for inviting me! I love the new digs and it's wonderful to hear you're doing so much better both physically and emotionally. Love the skater kidlets, too!!!

Boom-DotSaint said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

WEEEEEEE!Awesome shiny new blog! I Love it!

YankeeChick said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Yes, my beloved Boom-Dot. And I expect to see comments!! Oh wait. you do comment, don't you? Ooops, sorry! ♥♥♥

Bryant said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

@ Anonymous Deena, You are so sweet! Made my day and made all this fussing around SO worth while! ♥

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

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